PeopleFund’s BIPOC Small Business Accelerator provides underserved entrepreneurs in Texas with the capital, education, and resources needed to support healthy business growth. As a Community Development Financial Institution, our work focuses on creating economic opportunity for low to moderate-income individuals and communities. Staying true to our vision and values, this program is open to all regardless of race, gender or creed.
Program participants commit to an orientation, a series of virtual training sessions, and assigned “homework”. Participants also receive access to technology and tools including LivePlan business planning software and an online curriculum for 6 months, expedited loan packaging and application support, and ongoing after-care provided by PeopleFund and our partners. Participants must apply, be admitted to the program, and qualify for a PeopleFund loan product. Those who successfully meet all program requirements, close on their loan, and graduate may receive a grant between $3,000-$5,000 that can be used for equity injection or other legal business purposes.