America’s Seed Fund Road Tour is a national outreach effort to connect innovators and entrepreneurs to non-dilutive, technology funding opportunities provided through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, known as “America’s Seed Fund”.
U.S. Federal Agency representatives will be available to meet with registered companies and ventures to assist them in navigating over $4 billion in early-stage funding opportunities available through America’s Seed Fund program.
Register to attend the event to learn more about SBIR/STTR programs from experts!
Event registration fee is $50. You will be contacted with secure payment processing information in the upcoming weeks via email.
The agenda (tentative) will include:
Overview of America’s Seed Fund
Reverse Pitches from Federal Agency SBIR Representatives
Panels & Presentations (Examples of potential panels include – SBIR/STTR Agency specific panels, proposal support resources & programs, entrepreneur success stories, resources available through Texas FAST (Federal and State Technology Partnership) and the UTSA SBDC Technology Commercialization Center, SBIR/STTR grant matching opportunities, proposal tips and strategies, among other potential topics)
Opportunity to meet with entrepreneurial support organizations
One-on-one scheduled meetings with Federal Agency Representatives